Journal of Advanced Health Care

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2025)
Published January 24, 2025

JAHC – Journal of Advanced Health Care is a free open access journal sponsored by the National Federation of TSRM PSTRP Orders, based on the full belief that professional growth must also be based on carrying out scientific activities and their dissemination.
JAHC wants to become a "place" for meeting and exchanging experiences between researchers who carry out their activities in different fields with healthcare, diagnostic, rehabilitation, and prevention purposes.

Thanks to the opportunity offered by the "Fondazione Valetudo" and the TSRM and PSTRP Na-Av-Bn-Ce, a virtual space has been created that allows the realization of such an ambitious scientific project. All the manuscripts will be published in English, however, the submission of the works may also be requested in the Italian language for the printing of special editions. In Italy, inter-professional and multi-disciplinary scientific journals are not numerous. The aim is to promote a complete integration between the 18 professions that comprise the TSRM PSTRP Order.

Research Articles

Francesco Di Basilio , Agnese Barsacchi, Nadia Morettini, Maddalena Colognola, Fabrizio Marianello, Elisabetta Scucchia, Angelo Barbato
Comparison of Fractionated vs Single bolus iodine contrast agent injection techniques in the CTA study of the Complete Aorta with 64-slices CT scanner. Preliminary results on the experience of the Radiographers/Nursing team of the Magliano Sabina, ASL Rieti
Antonella Del Giudice, Domenico Meglio
Comparative analysis of the number of occupational accidents between Northern and Southern Italy in the five-year period 2019-2023
Sara Diamare, Emilia D’Anna, Arianna Glorioso, Rita Furia
A path of empowerment through the creative experience of a work of art: Evaluation of psychophysical effectiveness
Giuseppe Perruolo, Oriana Catapano, Lorenzo Ferraro, Francesca Velino, Annamaria Sessa, Natalia Gargiulo, Aldo Contina, Claudio Saglioccolo, Michele Francesco Di Tolla, Carlo Sepe, Annita Furgi, Claudia Passaretti, Francesca Perna, Maurizio D'Amora
Evaluation of the Mucin Glycoprotein (KL‑6) as a Prognostic Factor in COVID‑19 Patients
Vittorio Censullo, Vincenzo Russo
Coronary CT: a retrospective analysis between ECG-gated prospective adaptive sequential acquisition and high pitch spiral acquisition on dual source system.
Annamaria Dalena, Roberto Rizzi, Fabio Surace, Igor Campigotto, Gianni Colucci, Mirko Mazzurana, Stefano Miceli, Flavio Del Bianco, Marcella Di Fant, Piersaverio Marzocca, Fabiana Salerno, Carola Lanzilotti, Roberta Cambria, Maria Nigro, Vincenzo Marcotrigiano
The Preventive Health Professions and their knowledge on the REACh topic: A preliminary investigation among S.It.I. members
Pasquale Dargenio, Saverio Pollice, Paolo Pollice, Maria Paola Fucci, Arianna Sardaro, Maria Urbano, Giuseppe Walter Antonucci, Giuseppe Guglielmi
The role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the morpho-functional study of the right ventricle and the correct diagnosis of a case of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: a case study
Mattia Di Luca
Enhancing Vocal Health in Coaches: A Target for Speech-Language Therapy
Elisabetta Lazzarotto
Entering a Nursing Home: family members and operators tell their stories
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