About the Journal

JAHC – Journal of Advanced Health Care is a free Open Access Journal sponsored by the National Federation of TSRM PSTRP Orders, from the full belief that professional growth must also be based on the carrying out scientific activities and their dissemination.
JAHC wants to become a "place" for meeting and exchanging experiences between researchers who carry out their activities in different fields with healthcare, diagnostic, rehabilitation, and prevention purposes.

Our journal ensures the indexing of our articles on major bibliographic databases and search engine platforms, including Google Scholar, ResearchGate, CINECA, CNR Discovery, and Chinal.

JAHC aims to connect the entire community of healthcare professionals in an increasingly inclusive multidisciplinary and interprofessional network. These professionals engage in highly specialized tasks, particularly in the context of basic research, translational medicine, and proximity medicine. The mission of JAHC is to enhance the visibility of its published content, ensuring the widespread dissemination of editorial products from academic circles to society. Additionally, initiatives will be promoted to fuel scientific discourse to progressively increase the impact and quality of scientific works. Simultaneously, efforts will be made to raise awareness within the community regarding the specific importance that healthcare professionals hold today within the healthcare system and the field of scientific research.

Peer Review and Editorial Procedures

The editorial policies are outlined as follows:

  1. Research Articles: Original manuscripts/systematic reviews/meta-analyses are welcome for submission under the Peer-Review system with a dedicated DOI on accepted manuscripts.

  2. Essays: This category includes Essays, Guidelines, and Operational Protocols. It provides a platform for the presentation of cases that are of particular interest due to their rarity and/or unique instrumental or clinical approaches. These submissions will undergo the Peer-Review system.

  3. Thesis: We extend an invitation to all graduates to submit their theses for publication. Accepted theses will be published with the journal ISSN in a dedicated section on the JAHC website. This recognition can also be utilized for curricular purposes by the author.

Peer review is an essential part of the publication process and it ensures that JAHC maintains the highest quality standards for its published papers. All manuscripts submitted to our journals are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts. Immediately after submission, the journal’s Managing Editor will perform a technical pre-check of the manuscript. A suitable academic editor will be notified of the submission and invited to perform an editorial pre-check and recommend reviewers. Academic editors can decide to continue with the peer-review process, reject a manuscript, or request revisions before peer-review. In the case of continuing the peer review process, the Editorial Office will organize the peer review, which is performed by independent experts, and collect at least two review reports per manuscript. We ask authors for sufficient revisions (with a second round of peer review, when necessary) before a final decision is made. The final decision is made by an academic editor (usually the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Board Member of a journal or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue).

All the manuscripts will be published in English, however, the submission of the works may also be requested in the Italian language, for the printing editions.

The Italian version of the description and mission of Journal Advanced Healthcare can be found here: Italian description

For any questions, you can contact us at the following email: direzione.editoriale@jahc.it


Journal Statistics

Days to First Editorial Decision   8
 Days to Accept  23
 Days to Reject   4
Acceptance Rate 95%
Rejection Rate 5%

*data as of the first half of 2024