2020 has been a year marked by a terrible pandemic, caused by a Coronavirus named Covid-19. This virus will go
down in history for radically changing the world population’s life habits and leading death, suffering and terrible moments among countless family, in addition to severe economic and financial damages. In just over a year and despite
all the restrictive containment measures implemented by the the world countries’ governments, the pandemic itself
has caused over 163 million cases and 3 million global deaths, of which over 53 million cases and 1 million deaths
i Europe, while in Italy there have been over 4 million cases and 123.000 deaths. The only way to stop pandemic is
to be able to produce and test, as soon as possible, an effective vaccine to be given to the whole global population.
Finally, in early 2021, the European Medicines Agency ( E.M.A.) and subsequently the Italian medicines agency (
IMA) approved to use various anti covid-19 vaccines produced by some pharmaceutical companies. In this context,
the ASL NAPOLI 1 centro strategic direction, in compliance with state and regional provisions, promptly took action
through the creation of numerous vaccination hubs with a dosing total capacity of 15.000-18.000 doses of vaccine
per day, distributed throughout the area of competence. In particular, the vaccine centre set up in the rooms called
“La fagianeria” located in the “real bosco di Capodimonte”, a luxuriant park with various botanical wonders that
covers about 134 hectares with over 400 different plant species. Just due to the location peculiarity, it was necessary
to implement a pest control procedure according to the “UNI EN 16636:2015” standard, for infestations control and
damages verification that pests can cause to the environment, to people’s health and goods.The presence of endemic
pests such as small rodents, crawling and winged insects or micro-organisms can represent, in fact, a serious risk for
users health and health personnel since they can act as “vectors” for the introduction and the spreading of diseases
and possible allergens for humans.Pest management, therefore, plays an important role in protecting public health
and also in protecting health facilities from direct and indirect damages that can cause significant losses both in
financial terms and in service quality offered to users. The study aim is to coordinate the “pest control” procedures
implementation, verification and validation according to “UNI EN 16636:2015” at the vaccination center set up by
ASL Napoli 1 centre in rooms called “la fagianeria” located inside the real bosco di Capodimonte, verifying their
efficiency and effectiveness. The evolution of health care organisations towards socio-assistance intervention system
characterised by a certain operational complexity, also through the multi-professional participation of various operators, has entailed the need to pay more attention to pay more attention to pest control activities to citizen users some
quality healthcare services as a response to its ever-growing and more complex health demand, due to the progressive
population ageing, which makes even more necessary a multitude of professional interventions, increasingly integrated, to ensure a compete and satisfying response.I would like to thank my company for giving me the chance to carry
out this great professional experience that brought a cultural, behavioural and professional change in me. thanks
also to the proactive attitude of the company strategic management which, in SARS-COV-2 pandemic emergency, has
been able to integrate the work of various specialists among health health personnel, including “environmental and
workplace prevention technician” and “ specialist in prevention health professions sciences”.

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