Few tv series or movies can be considered as a source of inspiration for everyday life, both in the workplace and not.
Star Trek is the most striking example of this since it touches the deepest chords of the human soul by addressing
philosophical, spiritual, political and strategic issues. At the command of the Enterprise, the spaceship, we meet Kirk
or Picard, to name a few of the most famous commanders of Star Trek, at the “command” of radiology we will meet
the Coordinator, a leading figure for his team of technicians. Far from space ships or aliens, the TSRM Coordinator
must interface with his technical staff, know how to communicate with them and with other health workers and
make important decisions often in “red alert” conditions as unfortunately still happens during the COVID-19. The
world is experiencing a time of crisis as the global COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way we live, work and
interact with each other on a global scale. It might be science fiction, but Star Trek can help us practice our basic
leadership skills in preparation for real crises. In fact, the Star Trek captains provide examples of the potential for
communication, patience and dedication in the service of leadership. With this job I tried to describe how teamworking, the importance of communication and the figure of the leader in Star Trek can be an inspiration in the
Management for the health professions and how the technology of this famous science fiction serie can predict and
anticipate the future of our technical profession.

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