This work aims to make a comparison between laboratory methods, especially by evaluating the role of troponin
dosage and diagnostic imaging methods, specifically SPECT and cardiac magnetic resonance in the post-IMA
evaluation. In both methods, we want to understand which one is able to be more predictive in terms of quantifying
the extension of the infarcted area. Given the high sensitivity of troponin, even a very small damage can result from
this examination, which SPECT or MRI cannot do. It must be said, however, that the initial high sensitivity troponin is
not predictive of how much ischemic damage will be but is only useful for prognosis. The objective of the study was to
determine the feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of an RMC stress protocol with the combined assessment of regional
myocardial perfusion and contractility in the recognition of patients with significant coronary atherosclerotic disease
leading to AMI, correlating the results with what would have been the study in SPECT.

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