The use of antigen tests is proposed as a substitute for the molecular test in some conditions and the Italian Regions
are preparing for massive provision. This method has been introduced and tested in the local health authority ASL
BT - Puglia (Italy) and then integrated with the regional health surveillance protocol for health workers thanks to the
preliminary results. In the Puglia Region there has been an Integrated Health and Safety Management System SGSL
(SiRGISL) since pre-COVID times, which has standardized procedures and protocols as regards to Integrated Health
and Safety for the prevention of hospital worker risks.
Where the method was first tested, a screening test was introduced on 2,500 health workers operating in the three
hospitals of the BT district, weekly. The nasopharyngeal swabs were carried out by the coordinators (workers safety
representatives in Puglia Region SGSL), the swabs were sent to the PoCT (Point of Care Testing) analysis laboratory
with immediate reading of the antigen test following by molecular test method confirmation. The study was performed
in a Puglia district with high virus circulation.
About 12 thousand swabs were performed, mainly in the period, which identified 192 cases of positivity to SARS CoV2
among asymptomatic operators not detected symptomatic by the usually temperature control method at the hospital
During the third week a peak of cases (79) with a subsequent decline was revealed, otherwise the infection trend of
the population district maintained a constant growth.
Early identification and removal of asymptomatic hospital workers, by means of frequent use of rapid tests, acts as a
filter and reduces the chances of contagion by cutting the chains at the origin.
During a time featured by high viral circulation, the amount and the speed of the tests should be privileged over more
accurate methods, difficult to manage with a very high demand.
In Puglia Region, the presence of Integrated Health and Safety Management System (SiRGISL) makes the
organizational structures efficiently adaptable to the rapid change of the pandemic framework by choosing suitable
technologies and methods in order to anticipate the change of the pandemic curve instead of following it.
Asymptomatic subjects detecting is a major problem in the management of epidemics even in controlled environments
such as hospitals.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advanced Health Care