From the researches carried out in literature it appears how gaming is a behaviour in continuous evolution and
expansion (Mauceri & Di Censi, 2020) and is widespread in the entire population, particularly among teenagers.
The present paper is the result of a multi-professional and inter-sectorial research carried out and shared with operators of the health service Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale (ASUFC), teachers of the Regional School
Office (Uff. VI), the Provincial Student Council (CPS) of Udine and with a professional educator.
One of the targets of this research was to analyse the feelings and beliefs of players regarding the use of videogames
and this was done in March 2021 through a questionnaire. 596 students of upper secondary schools of Udine territory
joined this survey and to reach the target four videoplayer profiles have been outlined taking into account the play
time: the occasional player (N = 61; 10.2%) who uses the videogames for maximum 30 minutes per day, the habitual
player – mild (N=57; 9.6%) between 30 minutes and 1 hour, the habitual player – moderate (N=250, 41.9%) between
1 and 4 hours and the severe player (N=71, 11.9%) between 4 and more than 6 hours. The analysis of the replies
demonstrates how all statements (21), following the chi-squared test, have a statistically important difference with respect to the profiles, except for two. It appears how the severe players run more often into potential experiences of risk
of addiction or trouble, and they prefer to play instead of going out with friends, sometime also stopping friendship
relations and feeling a higher desire to going on playing at the end of the session, also forgoing some hours of sleep.
The research group, taking into consideration the spreading of the behaviour of severe players (11.9%), would deem
useful to plan and carry out future interventions aimed at encouraging the technological health since the first classes
of upper secondary schools, in order to allow the students the acquainted use of technologies and gaming activities
and to prevent the relative risks coming from the massive and improper use of these tools and actions.

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