Rapid MRI protocol for the detection of pathognomonic signs of CSF hypotension syndrome


CSF hypotension
Magnetic resonance imaging
Differential diagnosis
Qualitative and quantitative sign

How to Cite

Tortora, R., & Braun, V. (2023). Rapid MRI protocol for the detection of pathognomonic signs of CSF hypotension syndrome. Journal of Advanced Health Care, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.36017/jahc202354238


CSF hypotension syndrome is caused by a reduction of the CSF within the cerebro-medolar cavities due to trauma or spontaneously and in the latter case it represents a condition that can lead to think, during clinical evaluation, of other pathologies that present similar symptoms. CSF hypotension syndrome can therefore be diagnosed by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, without and with contrast medium, performed following the purely clinical evaluation of symptoms. The aim of this work is to provide TSRM professionals with the theoretical elements for understanding the causes that induce this syndrome and to describe the qualitative and quantitative signs, which can be obtained with the appropriate MRI sequences, useful to provide the radiologist with all the elements to reach a certain diagnosis.

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