The Italian national health system, in addition to being a world-class excellence, over the years has become increasingly competitive and dynamic, pushing those who coordinate and manage to have to work alongside staff figures and the most suitable tools to face the most pressing needs and contingencies strategic and operational. For this reason, the National Health Plan (PSN), the Regional Health Plan (PSR) and the National Prevention Plan (PNP) have been identified as the main planning tools, which are the basis of health planning at all levels, from that National to regional and local. The figure of the Head of the Health Professions and, specifically, that of the technical-diagnostic area, in the context of complex health systems such as Healthcare Companies and Hospitals, is indispensable within the strategic staff and as a necessary figure for the implementation of the programming and coordination of activities. Moreover, it is essential to deal with the fundamental issues regarding processes and work cycles by building, on these bases, the concept and importance of the choice of the management system according to advanced skills and thanks to the possession of a strong managerial culture.

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