The health authorities and the scientific community, recognizing in the vaccine the tool par excellence in the fight against Covid-19, being known as pandemics in the past centuries have been eradicated through vaccination, have immediately become strongly committed and on 27 December 2020 in Italy it is distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine has begun.
Legislative Decree 44/2021 provides for the obligation of vaccination against Covid-19 for health professionals and non-compliance determines the suspension of the right to carry out services or activities that involve interpersonal contacts or involve the risk of spreading the infection from SARS-CoV- 2, for this reason reconnaissance is underwayy all the ASL and A.O. of the SSN.
From the data published by the Ministry on the institutional website in the Campania region, there would be 108,621
health workers, of these 3,400 still unvaccinated of which we do not know the reasons for the lack of vaccination,
if linked to individual and social behavioral determinants or simply linked to their own state of health (pathologies
details, pregnancy status, etc.).
Based on the evidence derived from previous and current scientific studies, it was decided to orient the present
study to observe the attitudes of the “health population” towards vaccination against COVID-19, to investigate the
behavioral causes, to research which sources of information on the virus from which healthcare professionals draw,
to obtain useful evaluations to define more effectively decisions to be taken by the institutions, in particular by the
regional health services, in the face of difficult cases of “undecided and / or no vax” in a context of health emergency
with few precedents.
This project provided for the administration of an online questionnaire to a sample of health professions in the Campania region, through the “Google” platform and the link was sent electronically to all the Presidents of the Health
Professions Orders of the Campania region. For appropriate dissemination among its members and possible publication on the institutional website.
The survey - from June to August 2021 - involved 613 health workers, belonging to the different health professions,
and explored issues of relevant relevance in the daily public debate between politics, experts and institutions at different levels: in a Section I it was observed the profile of the health professions surveyed; in Section II, measured the
attitudes of health professions towards vaccination against COVID-19 and studied the relative importance of some
factors in influencing the propensity to vaccinate against COVID-19; in Section III, what are the communication
channels they want and whether they too require more information on the various issues relating to vaccination
against COVID-19.

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