The Importance And / Or The Need For Environmental Assessments For Environments At Risk During The Pandemic: Types Of Reliefs, Changes In The Use Of Environments Starting With The Risk


health surveillance of workers
environmental assessments
medical check-ups

How to Cite

Prete , M., De Rosa , A., Basile , M. R., Speranza , A., Izzo , L., & Finizio , R. (2022). The Importance And / Or The Need For Environmental Assessments For Environments At Risk During The Pandemic: Types Of Reliefs, Changes In The Use Of Environments Starting With The Risk. Journal of Advanced Health Care, 4(7). Retrieved from


The hospitals, and in particular the areas with Very High, High and Medium infectious risk, those with Controlled
Contamination (Clean Room) and laboratories, are workplaces in which both patients, but above all users, are widely
exposed to various risks.
For the aforementioned reasons, and in compliance with current legislation, the U.O.C of Prevention and Protection
of the ASL Napoli 2 Nord considers it of absolute importance to carry out six-monthly environmental checks during
which, meticulously, they are monitored, during the period of work activities carried out in environments, all the necessary parameters a global assessment of all risks thus providing a tool for planning technical measures to choose in
order to control the effectiveness of the prevention measures of environmental pollutants, for the protection of health
and the safety of both operators and patients.

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