The stereotactic intracranial Radiotherapy (SRS) Imaging-guided (IGRT) has increased its developments in few years
because of the possibility to target lots of brain tumors also very small thanks to the new hardware tecnologies. SRS
represents the main surgical alternative for patients with high risk complicances. This treatments requires a technology ensuring a great accuracy during X-ray exposure on the target as planned. In Perrino’s Radiotherapy there are
two linacs with two different tecnologies ensuring the patient’s set-up accuracy (less than 1 mm). The first one is the
OBI system mounted on Linac Trilogy, the second one Brainlab ExacTrac on Linac Unique. The aim of this comunication is to compare the two different system, to know which is the most appropriate ad finally to justify why a new
tecnology such as Exactrac is installed on a less performing linac.

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