From perception to risk assessment in the food industry: creation and administration to workers of surveys relating to risk perception and comparison between perceived risk, assessed risk and INAIL accidents data


worker injuries
worker safety

How to Cite

Granato, V. P., Cangiano, A., & Fuccillo, V. (2024). From perception to risk assessment in the food industry: creation and administration to workers of surveys relating to risk perception and comparison between perceived risk, assessed risk and INAIL accidents data . Journal of Advanced Health Care, 6(2).


The development of legislation, technological progress, and the activities of the supervisory authorities are necessary but not sufficient instruments to combat accidents. In fact, in the following study, an analysis of accidents in the food industry, INAIL accident data, and data collected by developing a simple questionnaire has been performed, observing that it is necessary to act also on the perception of the risk to reach an ulterior and meaningful reduction of accidents.
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