The publication of the "Decreto Bollette" Legislative Decree (D.L.) March 30, 2023, n. 34, put down the exclusivity constraint for all healthcare professions. Speech therapists working in the Campania Region Healthcare System were interviewed via an electronic questionnaire. Materials and Methods: The questionnaire was distributed to Campania speech therapists via chat, social media, and personal contacts with colleagues. The "Google Forms" platform processed the questionnaire, allowing the anonymous collection of responses. Professionals were required to answer 12 questions, divided into 7 sections. Results: 80% of colleagues are aware of the abolition of the exclusivity agreement, but only in 18% of cases the company they belong to has structured a regulation to implement the legislation. Of these professionals, only 7.5% have applied to obtain authorization to practice as a freelancer but none has currently received a response from the Administrations. Discussion and Conclusions: The structured questionnaire aims to highlight the implementation of the legislation in the Campania Region; it emerged that only a few Healthcare companies had prepared internal regulations, and all of the colleagues who submitted a request for the abolition of the exclusivity agreement did not receive a response.

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