The curricular lab “La Relazione con l’altro. I Salotti del Benessere”, proper memorandum of understanding by
UOC Quality and Humanization of the ASL Napoli 1 Centro at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa, in promoting
Self-Care and the Culture of Well-being, intended to propose a search path - an action that used the Peer Education
methodology for co-building motivational settings and trans-educational learning in which we started from the
observation of kinetics to analyze the cognitive process generated. Peer Education’s methodology in the study
and training courses that aim to experimenting with embodied education, has enabled processes to be activated
transformative training of the I-man and the I-Professional/Educator. The fallout educational path on the group of
students participants in the lab, was carried out by a team of educators and psychologists, internal and external
partners of the institution and has predicted over administration of tests, including the participant observation of
the team and the Peer Educator trained previously. The qualitative assessment and quantitative integrated into the
method “Salotti del BenEssere”, allowed to highlight the health demand of the peer group and the effectiveness health
promotion actions proposed through a health-promoting process psychocorporeal empowerment that has enabled
students, future educators, to learning a trans-training mode to facilitate the dissemination of a culture of wellness.

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