The Prevention and Protection Service of the University Federico II of Naples, in order to determine the level of
biological risk for all the exposure scenarios associated with the various university activities, has chosen the risk assessment method developed by ISPRA and published with the ISPRA Manual and Guidelines n. 93/2013: “Criteri ed
indirizzi per la tutela della salute e sicurezza in tema di valutazione del Rischio Biologico nelle attività istituzionali
delle Agenzie per la Prevenzione dell’Ambiente”. The application called “App.Bioritmo” was developed in order to
easily retrieve the information necessary for the management of biological risk and automate the calculation provided
by the algorithm developed by ISPRA. This application incorporates the criteria of the chosen method and implements the flows and the evaluation contents, taking into account the needs connected to the peculiarities of university
activities with deliberate and potential biological risk, including those that involve the manipulation of Genetically
Modified Microorganisms (GMOs).

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