The purpose of the present investigation is to combine the modus operandi of today’s medical-scientific research,
particularly in the nutritional field, with the humanistic soul of philosophical thought, always aiming at the demystification of the reality and at the unmasking of the contradictions characterizing the current psychosocial model of
economic development. The divergent thought, supporting axis of the proposed research, allows, in fact, to carry out
a meticulous epidemiological examination of the diachronic parabola of pathologies connected to eating disorders,
to then decline it in an innovative case study on the correlation between salivary pH increase and loss of fat mass.
The comprehension of the metabolic model in an oscillatory perspective of mind-body quantum entanglement, makes
possible a unitary and organic consideration of the human psyche not only as a result of biochemical processes and
of higher cognitive functions (connected to the prefrontal cortical area), but also as a result, in recent times, of worrying and deleterious digital - media contaminations, often responsible for all those psychopathologies linked to the
deformed perception of the body-self, to the loss of contact with reality and to all kinds of eating behavior disorders
subtly injected by society of appearance.

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